My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Mothers.. everyone has one

My mom is a goof ball. I know that's a little blunt, but it's true. For any of you who know her, you know what I am talking about! She brings joy to my day and somehow always makes me laugh even when I don't want to.  She is a neat freak and has to have EVERYTHING organized. No seriously, we have labeled baskets and containers for everything in our camper.  It's a good thing though because we always know where to get things!  Other than being goofy and organized, my mother is an incredible woman. Without her, this family would not be the same. My dad does a good job around the house and stuff, but my mom is the boss around here!  We have many cherished moments together! :)  The reason I'm going on and on about my mom is because she was just in here writing in my planner (that i never look at) when i need to change out my contacts for the rest of the year... did i mention she was organized!!  When she left my room and told me goodnight i couldn't help but get on here and tell you guys about her!  I love my mom more than anything in the world and i thank God everyday for her and the times we spend together!! **Thank you Mom for always being real with me and always loving me no matter what! You are my inspiration to become a woman of God just like you! I love you to the moon and back... MORE!!!  :)

As i sit here in my room i can't seem to ever fall asleep. When i was a little bit younger i never had a problem with falling asleep. It seems as i grow up i become more prone to stay up late. Also, being that i am new to the blog thing, i can't seem to get off. I'm sure i will grow out of that later on.  I've been thinking a lot about what is to come as i begin reading the Bible like i mentioned in my last entry. It makes me wonder what God has in store for me and my future.  I know i keep going on and on about this but it makes me really excited just to think about what I am going to learn! So don't worry i will definitely be letting you know what i learn every day!! Aren't you excited about that!? hehe!!  

It's getting late and i need to go to bed. The camper thing i was telling you about.. yeah well we  never went back out to unpack so that will be the chore for tomorrow morning! JOY!  Thanks for reading and I wanted to ask you to pray for me as i start my "journey" with the Lord!! 

Love you guys-- Beck

Thank you God for my mother and the joy she brings to my life.  Open my heart to you Lord so i can understand what you are saying to me. Be with me as we start this journey together.  I want to know you and fall more in love with you Lord. Help me be a shinning light for you so that people see You through me.  Thank you for being an amazing God. I love you Father. 

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